Friday, June 12, 2009

Bobby Brown said it best...

"....It's My Prerogative....I can do what I want to do..."

As many of you know, I was already married once. While the occasion was grand, traditional, and expensive, I was miserable the entire time. While I was exchanging my vows, I was too concerned with the crowd and found it hard to focus on what I was saying and what it meant - even though I had heard it a million times prior in friends/families ceremonies.

This time around I'm, and Damon, have decided to do what we want to do and in a place where we can focus on just one another. No, it is not traditional, but please do not think we are not taking the ceremony and the vows we are to exchange any less seriously.

....T-26 days and counting...

Damon Brown & Natalie

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