Saturday, August 15, 2009

Obviously... now, you've realized we're terrible bloggers.

Bloggers. Blah. What a terrible title - can you imagine having that on your business card? Natalie Melstrom-Johnson, Blogger. At first glance I would think the title blogger, would have something to do with plumbing - or is that just me?

Yes, we did actually go through with it and have the flicks to prove it and no, I have not hyphonate my last name. Instead, I've gone with the more traditional route of keeping my former last names - Natalie Melstrom Johnson Johnson. Or Natalie Melstrom Johnson (2).

Alas, if you've received the invite by now - you've know the above statement is a lie. I couldn't help myself after I realized that-that was even an option. Who knew? I have made a slight altercation to my name though. I ditched my middle name, Renee' - for those who didn't know, for Melstrom. (All my hard work in trying to convince Damon to take my last name was for not. )

The invites - the majority of them are in the mail, however, I am missing more than a few addresses, so... please forgive me for the delay. The, "reception", is not your traditional reception. People have been asking what to expect - here's the skinny:
  • Casual - think [dressier] open-house-style.
  • 7:00PM-11:00PM, come when you want, stay as long as you wish.
  • There will not be a formal, sit-down, dinner - but a lot of Apps & Booze (featurining smaller sized portions of what Damon and I love.) *The catch: we love everything and hare having a hard time narrowing down the "menu".
  • We haven't blocked any hotel rooms - but for those coming into the city - let me know if you would like me to.
Questions/comments/compliants - please email me or leave them here. I promise to be a better....blogger.


Damon & Natalie....and Elvis.

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