Sunday, June 7, 2009

Why WAS six afraid of seven? the time you'll read this, I'll have heard this joke countless times. Countless.

The answer, dear reader, Seven-Eight-Nine.

A year from now [and years to follow] it will be Damon and my wedding anniversary and I will be hearing the joke, receiving cards including the joke, text'ed the joke, emailed the joke, and lord know it will be communicated to me via whatever form of communication that is yet to come. I can hardly wait. :)

While this is a save the date request, it is not for 07/08/09; it is for: October 3, 2009.

Next month Damon and I have decided to pay a visit to a man named Elvis in the lovely city of [viva] Las Vegas to pay our "matrimonial dues".

We have just begun to hammer out some of the reception details, but as we put them together, I/Damon....but mostly me will be updating our blog with random wedding thoughts, ideas, and general information wedding and non-wedding alike.

Being so new at the blogging business, we're still working out the kinks and if you can think of any details we may have missed - we encourage you to leave comments, other corny jokes, wedding-ideas, or random fun facts.

We're very excited for October 3, 2009, and are
looking forward to celebrating with you all!!!


Natalie & Damon


  1. Congratulations on your upcoming (and totally rockin'!)nuptials! I am so excited for you both.
    PS - as always, please let me know if I can help with anything.

    You guys seem perfect for each other!
    Exciting to have Natalie "officially" join our family!! Lots of Love- Aunt Sandy

  3. What did the 0 say to the 8?

    Nice Belt!

  4. Congrats! How exciting! Hope you two have a blast in Vegas!
    Look forward to seeing you soon! :) Bre

  5. Hi y'all, just got a chance to read this and realized its announcing your intent to marry!! WOW; CONGRATULATIONS! Can't say I appreciate the choice of venue/theme exactly, but have got to admit it makes a statement. Hope to see you this summer and echo Aunt Sandy in welcoming Damon to our family! God speed and blessings/Joan & Mike

  6. Congratulations and how exciting. I love the Elvis theme idea. I would certainly love to see Damon in Pricilla drag. Both times Elvis came to Duluth I saw him in concert. I thought it was great. Vegas will be a fun place to get married. Don says HI. Kathy
