Friday, October 2, 2009

Dress Code? We don't need no stinkin dress code!!

Seriously. Just when we thought we were going to finally get a little bit of the summer we missed - Mother Nature goes and slaps me in the face with blustery winds, rain, and cold. Oh my god, THE COLD!
Needless to say - dress warm! I've got propane-patio heaters, warm drinks, a fire pit, and a big dog to cuddle up against. I'm pretty sure I have you all covered. Ahem, Mom?!
Fingers crossed this crappy weather will end sooner than later.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Obviously... now, you've realized we're terrible bloggers.

Bloggers. Blah. What a terrible title - can you imagine having that on your business card? Natalie Melstrom-Johnson, Blogger. At first glance I would think the title blogger, would have something to do with plumbing - or is that just me?

Yes, we did actually go through with it and have the flicks to prove it and no, I have not hyphonate my last name. Instead, I've gone with the more traditional route of keeping my former last names - Natalie Melstrom Johnson Johnson. Or Natalie Melstrom Johnson (2).

Alas, if you've received the invite by now - you've know the above statement is a lie. I couldn't help myself after I realized that-that was even an option. Who knew? I have made a slight altercation to my name though. I ditched my middle name, Renee' - for those who didn't know, for Melstrom. (All my hard work in trying to convince Damon to take my last name was for not. )

The invites - the majority of them are in the mail, however, I am missing more than a few addresses, so... please forgive me for the delay. The, "reception", is not your traditional reception. People have been asking what to expect - here's the skinny:
  • Casual - think [dressier] open-house-style.
  • 7:00PM-11:00PM, come when you want, stay as long as you wish.
  • There will not be a formal, sit-down, dinner - but a lot of Apps & Booze (featurining smaller sized portions of what Damon and I love.) *The catch: we love everything and hare having a hard time narrowing down the "menu".
  • We haven't blocked any hotel rooms - but for those coming into the city - let me know if you would like me to.
Questions/comments/compliants - please email me or leave them here. I promise to be a better....blogger.


Damon & Natalie....and Elvis.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bobby Brown said it best...

"....It's My Prerogative....I can do what I want to do..."

As many of you know, I was already married once. While the occasion was grand, traditional, and expensive, I was miserable the entire time. While I was exchanging my vows, I was too concerned with the crowd and found it hard to focus on what I was saying and what it meant - even though I had heard it a million times prior in friends/families ceremonies.

This time around I'm, and Damon, have decided to do what we want to do and in a place where we can focus on just one another. No, it is not traditional, but please do not think we are not taking the ceremony and the vows we are to exchange any less seriously.

....T-26 days and counting...

Damon Brown & Natalie

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It IS a non-traditional wedding...

....I thought maybe a non-traditional Elvis-themed costume. Damon in drag as Priscilla...Yay? Nay?
Really, because I hear what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
More news - the trip is booked, Elvis is picking us up at 9:00pm and we're to marry at 10:00pm (CST). No kidding. It official our anniversary will be 07/08/09 - 10pm. The 10:00pm was a coincidence, I just noticed it because a facebookie asked if we planned to marry at 10... we kinda are... but it was a total accident.

On a lighter note, more innocent note - another corny item to add to our 7 ate 9 site... Thanks Heather. :)


Natalie & Damon

PS - Heather: Damon is hoping Hana will be able to perform it (song & dance) by the reception.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Why WAS six afraid of seven? the time you'll read this, I'll have heard this joke countless times. Countless.

The answer, dear reader, Seven-Eight-Nine.

A year from now [and years to follow] it will be Damon and my wedding anniversary and I will be hearing the joke, receiving cards including the joke, text'ed the joke, emailed the joke, and lord know it will be communicated to me via whatever form of communication that is yet to come. I can hardly wait. :)

While this is a save the date request, it is not for 07/08/09; it is for: October 3, 2009.

Next month Damon and I have decided to pay a visit to a man named Elvis in the lovely city of [viva] Las Vegas to pay our "matrimonial dues".

We have just begun to hammer out some of the reception details, but as we put them together, I/Damon....but mostly me will be updating our blog with random wedding thoughts, ideas, and general information wedding and non-wedding alike.

Being so new at the blogging business, we're still working out the kinks and if you can think of any details we may have missed - we encourage you to leave comments, other corny jokes, wedding-ideas, or random fun facts.

We're very excited for October 3, 2009, and are
looking forward to celebrating with you all!!!


Natalie & Damon